Its been my first full week with my loaded schedule and you know, it wasnt half bad. LASt week, I was only repsonsible for teaching my englsih classes in the afternoon but now, I am a sub teacher for misc subjects: science, math, pe, organizational skills, and manners. I teach them in full english and they last anywhere from 20-40 minutes. I can handle that. I am getting to the point where I realize that I might perhaps be being too flippant with my money here. There are so many places to go to visit and eat at that I forget that I should be saving. Some of the teachers here go out to eat frequently and I cannot turn down an invitation to go off and eat something delicious!
Wednesday I went out with Amy and her buddy Chet to go and eat Vietnamese noodles. Those things were so incredibly spicy. I believe I am starting to get the hang of ordering things at a restaurant. You just point, smile, and speak in broken english.
Thursday, Tonita and I went to the movies close to Suwon. We got the chance to see Iron Man2! Over in Korea, you order your movie tickets online and there is assigned seating. Our seats were in the top left. I am amazed at the concession stand prices over here: Toni and I got a medium popcorn, 2 medium drinks for 7 bucks. Cant beat that with a stick. Our tickets were 8.00 a piece. Cheap movie night!
The next day, all of the English teachers were excited to get together and have a potluck at Amy's apartment. We made invitations and everything. Originally, we were all going to eat out on the roof, but dince the weather had not gotten that much warmer, we kept it indoors. So many laughs and good memories made that night.
Saturday we went to Hwaseong city to tour around but got a late start for all the festivities that go on within the fortress. At best, we got to go to the museum to learn more about the history of the kings that ruled and the city they governed. Next week, we are going to get an earlier start and go on the full on hike around the fortress. I cannot wait for SUNDAY!
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