Monday, May 24, 2010

Fusion Retreat

We finally left the Jimjabong with little sleep and a bad case of bed-head.
The retreat was taking place in the mountain area of SoKo. A church family, the Cho's, was hosting the retreat and were offering to put us up in their hostel.

[the hostel is in the middle of this mountain village. All of the neighbors chip in to maintain it and pay the bills. They host their friends and family members. Its a nice thing to have in your back pocket when your friends come by- *TFC PEEPS*]

The retreat incorporated spiritual reflection times with various speakers from the church as well as time to hike/chill. I came into this activity thinking I would know a good majority of people but sadly, I was on the outs. A good number of members that come on Sunday mornings don't usually attend the Fusion groups. The members that came to the retreat were either new, friends of members, or ones who attend other churches

I was able to connect with several new peeps at our BBQ that night. I was placed in charge of the grill. What luck? Ive grilled out a few times but that does not mean I've grilled in Korea. One would think they would have a propane tank or at least coal nuggets. THEY HAD COAL WOOD...BURNED WOOD. How are you supposed to use that to make a fire? TO muddy the waters just a bit more, they gave me a blow torch thing to light it. After about 5 minutes of blowing fire to the coal logs, nothing but smoke.

To give you the abridged version, one of the new girls I met had to come over and nurture the fire to make it grow. I was soon given a new job >.<
At least Im a flexible guy right?
That night, we were challenged by the pastor.
The next morning, we woke at 6 to have a prayer and praise service by the lake. It was a beautiful experience. The prayers we lifted up were modeled after the Lord's model prayer given in the Bible. It actually makes prayer more structured a[which i need] and makes you feel a tad bit on target instead of scattered.

I Leave you with this
" ...I ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy...He has delievered us from the power of darkness"

1 comment:

  1. Definitely sounds like the retreat was exactly what you needed! I hope you had an opportunity to make new friends.
