Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Turnstile

People that I have come across in SoKo have constantly told me that one of the downfalls of living here is that people typically leave in a short period of time. In the time [3 months] that I have been here, I have seen about 6 people leave and return to their hometowns [Tonita, TaLeah, Rhonda, Kyle, Chris, and Jo]. Its hard when you have come to know these people and establish a support network of friends and acquaintances in a foreign sometimes makes the bad days bearable.

The trend here is for the average person to grow apart from their friends and family back at home but I have tried my hardest to stay connected. Regardless of where we all come from, I have started to make relationships that are beyond compare. You fight for the things you love, right?

The students here keep me motivated to stay connected and they teach me the value of relationships. The kids embrace me each day and show their affetion by simple signs: stickers, hugs, and notes on the dry/erase board. Most of them do not have a strong connection with their parents beause of the strong urgency to be successful and to "keep up with the Kardashians."
Dads work from 9 til midnight and seldom see their kids outside of the given weekend.

There are times where I start to think, kids are alright. Then they start to act like fools...and we're back at square one


  1. I didn't realize that SK would be such a place of transition. But, it makes sense. Hang in there! I love reading about your kids. They are precious!

  2. Glad you keep this updated. I enjoy following your life from across the ocean. I listened to Katie Herzig today. Reminded me of my friend all the way in Korea.

    You've done a stellar job keeping up with everyone, you know. Letters, calls, Skype, blog, emails--impressive, Joshua.
