Closure. When I first walked into the set of apartments in the middle of nowhere I could only think to myself- why did I ever agree on coming to Korea...
The wallpaper is torn.
I sleep on a mat.
How do I work the air conditioner?
All the channels are in Korean >.< Unless I feel like watching "Everybody Hates Chris" reruns.
::Insert present day apartment with furniture and inherited goods from friends and countless dumpster dives::
My director informed me that we will be moving our stuff onto the fourth floor of the school. Her and her father are constructing dorms for all of the foreign teachers. While we are assuming a much smaller space, the trek to school would be reduced from 30 minutes to 30 seconds. My house-mate said it best, "I can literally wake up and walk downstairs."
APT 406 will be known for its dinner parties and coffee chats.
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